Industry-leading “smart charging” as a booster for your charging offer

We offer our future-proof 360° charging optimization as Software as a Service for your offer. In addition to the optimization, our software takes care of everything around: starting with the processing of the required time series, the recording of meter values, the necessary forecasts through to the realization of the optimized charging plans in reliable 24/7 operation. For you, the intelligent charging optimization remains easy and straightforward: our software takes care of it!

A software platform tailored for three customer segments

Our charging optimization focuses on charging at home and in company parking lots, as electric vehicles are usually parked there for longer than they actually need to charge. Our future-proof B2B software offering is tailored precisely to the requirements of three customer segments:

InnoCharge for electricity suppliers and public utilities

As an electricity supplier or public utility, you know that simply selling kilowatt hours no longer meets the requirements of the modern world characterized by the energy transition and e-mobility. Dynamic electricity prices reflect the reality of an energy system with a high share of renewables and offer considerable advantages, especially when they are combined with flexible energy devices. This customer group with controllable charging stations and heat pumps is growing rapidly.

With InnoCharge, you can offer your customers dynamic electricity tariffs with real benefits in a minimally invasive way. Benefit from the advantages of the smart meter rollout and the mandatory implementation of new requirements. Our software solution lets you provide a 360°-optimized power supply for your controllable electricity customers, with modern user interaction, greatly reduced balancing energy costs and precise spot market procurement.

InnoCharge for operators of backend systems

As the operator of a “Charging Station Management System”, your software enables the efficient handling of charging processes – from the management of charging cards to the monitoring of charging points through the billing of completed charging processes. By using the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and offering your software as SaaS, you offer charging point operators maximum flexibility.

By integrating the InnoCharge 360° charging optimization, you lift your offering into the smart grid era. With our market- and grid-oriented charging optimization “2.0”, you can achieve considerable cost benefits for your customers and make them happy winners of the energy transition.

InnoCharge for operators of charging points and vehicle fleets

As a “Charge Point Operator”, you operate charging points and offer your customers energy for charging – either for the own vehicle fleet, external tenants, or public roaming customers. Fact is: the cheaper you procure electricity, the higher your profit.

The InnoCharge 360° charging optimization significantly reduces the costs on your purchasing side and sustainably increases your profits. Our software solution integrates seamlessly into your existing systems. If you have already established backend systems for the management, billing and maintenance of your charging stations or your fleet, we connect our vendor-independent charging optimization “2.0” to them via standardized interfaces.

We look forward to getting to know your individual wishes. Contact us for a first exchange: directly book an appointment for an introductory/orientation meeting or a live demo!

Developed and operated in Germany

Reference: High-tech center

Innovation Center

22 charging points, 119 kWp photovoltaics, local grid bottlenecks, dynamic electricity tariff, operation and billing via electricity supplier

Reference: Business park

Business park

1,500 parking spaces, 70+ charging points, heterogeneous site with multi-layered grid bottlenecks, operation and billing via real estate operator

Reference: Multi-generational house

Multi-generational house

24 charging points, 99 kWp photovoltaics (landlord-to-tenant supply), dynamic electricity tariff, use in the car-sharing model